Commodore 64 Roms, Download Best Commodore 64 Game - page №27 - page №27 - logo

Commodore 64 (also popularly called the C64) is a 8-bit computer which has been introduced by Commodore International in January, 1982 to excellent and remarkable market achievement. Important reasons why the C64 was hugely popular with users was due to its material; there were roughly 10000 commercial applications titles were created for the C64 like development applications, office software, and matches. The machine can be credited with creating the personal computer demo scene popular. Other fantastic approaches that created this computer a favorite was that it had been sold in retail shops, rather than electronic equipment shops, these machines could be plugged into an present home television with no modifications, a number of its components were created in-house in order to command supplies and price and consequently enhancing the reliability, in addition to reduce production costs.

Though still used today by several computer amateurs, the C64 has been taken from the sector and the majority of the game cartridges are gearing towards extinction, quite a few sport freaks still hunt for where they could get Commodore 64 games downloads or even purchase them. It'd look like the fantastic games we enjoyed around the C64 are lost. This however is not so, thanks to this technologies of ROMs, theses classic and favorite games in the C64 could be stored in Commodore 64 ROMs file formats, so these ROMs are essentially a software file replica of almost any C64 game which lets you play them in your modern gadgets without the requirement of the Commodore 64 computer. C64 ROMs can just be downloaded from reputable websites for simple game play directly on your apparatus. What actually makes the ROM replicas cooler is they come as complimentary commodore 64 games once you download them.

Finest C64 ROMs

Together over 2000 names there were certainly a ton of participating games on the C64 rear them. If you're game enthusiast or a newcomer who wants to relive or construct new C64 gaming abilities these games like Microlatin, Breakout, Labyrinth, Namcap, Tarzand, Adventure Dungeons and Dragons, and Druid c64 plus a ton of different games are certain to fill you hours of surfing via adventuresome terrains, killing bad men, obtaining points to progress, solving puzzles along with much longer with fairly awesome images and audio, these matches can be found in 2D and 3D.

Commodore 64 Emulator Games

After a Commodore 64 game was downloaded and stored in a ROM file, then you would also have to get an emulator to allow you play with the downloaded game. An emulator is an application that may mimic play with any document format onto your apparatus. You will find numerous of emulators you can download on the internet, a number of the most Well-known ones which encourage, games ROMs in the Commodore 64computer collection comprise;

Be aware that before you download one of these emulators you might also assess the compatibility list on every emulator download website in order to know which games could be performed with the emulator, so that you know which emulator suites your gambling needs best, prior to going to download.

Platforms Which Support C64 ROMs

Just as it's import to see that the compatibility of games and emulators, it's also extremely important to notice that which emulators are compatible with your apparatus like Windows, iOS, Linux, Internet or Android. And I will be listing the most emulators which are only acceptable for all your devices and Operating Systems.


1 good thing about Windows is that it supports nearly all of the emulators on the market. Most frequently these emulators are encouraged on a broad selection of Windows OS, which means you're easily able to perform all of your C64 ROMs on your computer. The most suitable emulators for Windows include:


Many emulators that permit you play C64 ROMs in your own Android can readily be discovered on Google Play Store for downloading. So most frequently once you don't observe the emulator on the program shop then it is probably your version of Android doesn't encourage the emulator. At times you might also check on the emulator website for downloads if you do not find any about the program shop. Thought the Majority of These emulators do not operate as easily, these are a Couple of emulators for Android you can get with:

Mac OS

If you wish to get the most out of the emulators listed below and permit them work properly in your Mac, iPad or iPhone if you perform with your C64 ROMs, then it's best you possess the iOS X version or greater. Compatible emulators contain:


With all these emulators listed below you're certain to find the best match play by playing on the internet or downloading the C64 ROMs to perform on you Linux apparatus.