Staff Of Law, The (1984)(Potter Programs)[h TSTH][bootfile]
Beebug Magazine - Volume 02 - Number 02 (19xx)(Beebug)[bootfile]
Spitfire 40 (1987)(Mirrorsoft)[h TSTH][bootfile]
Star Trek Adventure (1983)(Superior)[bootfile]
Cylon Attack (1984)(A&F)[a][CYLON Start]
Snooker (19xx)(Visions)[h TSTH][bootfile]
Beverly Hills Cop (1990)(Tynesoft)[h TSTH][bootfile]
Stairway To Hell - Games Disc 4D1-r1 (19xx)(-)[bootfile]
Guardian (1984)(Alligata)[GUALOAD Start]
Reversi (19xx)(Acornsoft)[REVERS1 Start]
Labyrinth (1984)(Acornsoft)[a][bootfile]
Slide Show 16 - TBI-112 (19xx)(-)[bootfile-ADFS]
Sharx Place 45 - 11 Items (19xx)(-)[menu-BeebAid ROM]
Block Buster (19xx)(Micro Power)[a][BBLOAD Start]
Pengi (1984)(Visions)[PENG0 Start]
Neutron (19xx)(K. Taylor)[h TSTH][bootfile]